Inspiration / Photography

A little bit of inspiration

“I think if you can see what you want clearly and if you believe in it and if you know the path to take to get there, there’s nothing that should stop you.” – Shay Mitchell

That quote beautifully represents the idea behind an inspiration board and a dream book. When you are younger you are always wanting to grow up, experience more in life, and just go places, but what you never do is stop and think, where do I want to go? What do I want to be? Inspiration boards and dream books help keep your dreams in order and help you realize where you want to be in the years to come. They help you see your dreams clearly and help you figure out how you want to get there. Once you know where you want to be in the future, it just comes down to getting there. Once the destination is set, the journey can be made.

Out of the two, I am absolutely in love with inspiration/dream boards. I am a rather visual person so I like to be able to see my goals. To reach those goals though I need inspiration. Goals and inspirations go hand in hand. You have the goals as places where you want to be and inspiration to push you to get there. Inspiration boards can also be a beautiful piece of art in your room. Something beautiful in your room that can inspire you on a daily basis. Something that is around you all the time to remind you of your goals. Treat the board as a piece of art. Here are some beautiful inspiration boards that can help to inspire you to create your own.

(For more inspiration visit these blogs: Isaac Mizrahi NY, Velvet Palette, Fab Gab Blog, Poppy Talk)

To end off I’d like to share a quote that I have on my inspiration board that I really love.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.”

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